Think of Laura Keenan Voice Over as the toughest, coolest, most together teacher-type you could imagine. One with an air of authority and a rich, textured voice that makes you want to lean in and listen. In other words, she’s a captivating and believable female voice over talent.
Whether she’s at the gym showing everyone how it’s done, running her own business or recording voice over from her professional home studio in Los Angeles, Laura emanates strength and confidence. She’s also a very versatile voice actor – she likes to switch it up and can!
For your E-learning voice over needs, that warm teacher in her comes to life. Political ads get a boost from her sass and swagger. She will inspire, be patriotic, go tough corporate, or offer friendly guidance. Whether she’s doing a voice over for a rough and tough automotive ad or a conversational E-learning module, one quality always shines through: authenticity.
Laura is also highly directable and you can depend on her to deliver your message professionally, with broadcast quality, clean files to make your job easier. Her professional home studio was designed by The VO Tech Guru, Tim Tippets and consists of a Sennheiser 416 microphone, Focusrite interface, Adobe Audition Daw, Post edit Noise Floor of -75. Tough as nails with a sleek sense of style, Laura exudes these two styles. And that’s what Silk and Steel Voice Over delivers. Automotive, Political, ELearning, Corporate Narration, Commercial, IVR Voice Over

Photography by Miguel Perez
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